

423 Uppsatser om Deviant career - Sida 1 av 29

Identifiering av fel i skogliga beståndsregister med hjälp av satellitdata :

This thesis has focused on the possibility to use a satellite image method developed by Metria Mijöanalys to identify stands that are wrongly registered in Holmen Skogs database. The method is only intended for identifying stand with poor descriptions in Holmen?s database that needs to be updated and not for updating the stand information. The study area is located several km west of Hudiksvall on the borderline between Gävleborgs- och Västernorrlands län. The area is covered by a SPOT image from 2005. By which Metria Miljöanalys has made estimates of forest parameters for all stands in the area, and compared them with corresponding estimates according to the stand database.

Karriärteorier - att sikta lätt och hamna rätt

In the thesis the author attempts to focus on what value Career theories (such as turning points, planned happenstance, SCCT and PEC) may have for guidance counselors, and their clients. The author describes a number of theories, then put them to use on a number of interviews where clients describe their present career situation to guidance counselor students. The author reaches the conclusion that career theories have an important value for guidance counselors and their clients; Career theories play an important role in helping to understand the client´s behavior and history of choices. Career theories can also be used by the guidance counselor to help the client in future choices..

Career choice:The relationship between personality, state anxiety and the career decidedness among Swedish upper secondary school students

The main purpose of this study was to inquire into personality and the state anxiety in relation to career decidedness scale among students in upper secondary school. The participants were 124 students in three grades and respectively non vocationally oriented classes. The participants were asked to grade themselves on a scale in relation to the statements regarding, state of decidedness for career choice, personality (NEO FFI, Costa & McCrae, 1985. Sweden, Gerontologic Center) and anxiety (AnTI, Wells, 1994). The results showed no significant relationship between personality and state of anxiety that could be connected to the decidedness for career choice.

Vad är Protean career orientation och kan detta predicera kompetensutveckling?

Protean career är en av de nya karriärerna och en ny syn på karriär. Den bygger på att individen själv i hög grad styr över sin karriär och dennes utveckling och baserar denna främst utifrån sina värderingar. För att undersöka förekomsten av Protean career orientation och dennes eventuella samband med kompetensutveckling genomfördes en enkätundersökning på en arbetsplats som resulterade i 134 deltagare. Korrelations- och regressionsberäkningar utfördes på insamlad data. Resultaten visade att det fanns ett samband mellan Protean career orientation och kompetensutveckling och att det förstnämnda var en stark prediktor för kompetensutveckling.

Career choice:The relationship between personality, state anxiety and the career decidedness among Swedish upper secondary school students

The main purpose of this study was to inquire into personality and the state anxiety in relation to career decidedness scale among students in upper secondary school. The participants were 124 students in three grades and respectively non vocationally oriented classes. The participants were asked to grade themselves on a scale in relation to the statements regarding, state of decidedness for career choice, personality (NEO FFI, Costa & McCrae, 1985. Sweden, Gerontologic Center) and anxiety (AnTI, Wells, 1994). The results showed no significant relationship between personality and state of anxiety that could be connected to the decidedness for career choice.

Tillsammans är vi ensamma : En kvalitativ studie av ett internetforum tillägnat socialt isolerade människor

This is a study that aims to investigate what is being spoken about on an internet forum created for people who suffer from extreme loneliness. The study aims to answer questions regarding the users identity and general opinions regarding live a life of more intense solitude. The basic scientific approach of the study is centered around two terms, taken from Howard S. Beckers book "outsiders" (1997). These two terms are "outsiders" and "Deviant careers", both dealing with the subject of deviant behavior.

Karriärmöjligheter inom Arbetsförmedlingen : En kvalitativ studie om hur de anställda upplever sina karriärmöjligheter

This qualitative study aims to examine what career opportunities the Swedish employment service Arbetsförmedlingen can provide, as well as how the employees perceive their career development opportunities. Furthermore, we have touched on what it is that makes employees feel satisfied with their job and workplace, and also stay in the organization. The study was conducted on one of Arbetsförmedlingen?s offices in northern Sweden and the informants consisted of six employment agents, an executive assistant and a head of division. The result of the study has been analyzed using theories within the field of career development.

När gymkultur blir problematisk : En kvalitativ studie om ohälsosamt träningsbeteende

Gyms are populated by more and more people and there is an increased interest in wellness and health. However, there is a downside to the culture that people choose to step into. Exercise can go too far and take unhealthy directions. The purpose of this study is to examine how norms are created in the gym culture and how unhealthy behaviour is reproduced inside the walls of the gym. We have also done research about how a local gym identifies and handles deviant behaviour such as the use of doping and eating disorders.

Spelar språkresan roll? : Fyra individers upplevelser av språkresans betydelse för deras karriärval

The objective of the study is to examine whether the experience from language courses abroad has had any impact on the career choices for four individuals. Based on a qualitative research methodology, four semi-structured interviews have been executed. The two research questions have been answered by letting four people recount their experiences from language courses abroad linked to their self-images and career choices. The outcome is that the experiences from the language courses contributed to a more or less altered self-image. Most of all, the interpersonal abilities were fostered, which led to the formation of a self-image characterized by improved confidence in social settings.

Vilka avancemangsfaktorer påverkar män och kvinnor att avancera på karriärstegen? : kvantitativ undersökning inom revisionsbranschen

Purpose: The aim of this bachelor thesis is to explain how advancement factors affect men and woman to advance in their careers in the accounting profession.                                Methodology: A positivist approaches and a deductive approach, with a quantitative method was used to obtain the results of the analysis. Theoretical perspective: The theory describes the career stages, audit assistant, approved auditor, registered auditor, manager and partner. Their responsibilities and what it takes to get there is explained. Theory section also describes the different advancement factors from a gender perspective. Empirical: The empirical material is based on a survey conducted in respondents who represent the five career stages. The collected data is then analyzed using statistical tests. Conclusion: The analysis shows that the identified career advancement factors that limit and stimulates the male and female auditors? career ladder.

Career Event - jobb i sikte?

Syftet med detta arbete var att ta reda på hur många studenter i avgångsklasserna vid Sjöfartshögskolan som fick en anställning via Career Event 2012 och studenternas uppfattningar om mässans funktion som en plattform för yrkesmässiga kontakter med företagen inför framtiden. I sökandet efter tidigare arbeten hittades ingen liknande undersökning. Däremot hittades ett arbete som under rekryteringsmässorna Career Event och Sjölog 2011, undersökte rederiernas framtida behov av arbetskraft. Arbetet Career Event ? Jobb i sikte försöker komplettera den bilden genom att här presentera hur det faktiska utfallet blev året 2012.

Utveckling av karriär inom en organisation : - Att få medarbetare att stanna

Background and problem: The background to this study is the organizations increased difficulty to retain employees in the organization when more and more employees today choose to do their career in several organizations. The problem to keep the employees in the organization leads to several problems where the loss of experience reduces efficiency and increased risks and cost associated with recruitment are some problems that arise. The problem therefore faced for this study is: How can opportunities for career development within an organization created to get employees to stay over time?Purpose and method: The purpose for this study is to describe how organizations can create opportunities for the development of career that gets employees to stay within the same organization and make their career in this organization. The method used for this study is a qualitative approach where data is collected through semi-structured interviews in a case study.Empiricism: The empirical result have shown there are four factors that an organization should overhaul to create an opportunity for the development of a career that gets employees to stay in an organization over time.

Konstgräsplaner : Miljö- och hälsoaspekter

The aim of the study was to improve understanding of how upper secondary school acknowledge and adjust support and guidance for gifted students regarding their future academic and professional career. The study examined school pricipals and career counselors approach to guidance work with gifted students and how the above mentioned professionals received information about gifted students. It was further examined what measures were applied to adjust the upper secondary school to the needs of gifted students. Qualitative interviews were conducted and the results showed that in cases where the informants were told it took place in conjunctions with seminars about the class, through grades or through a teacher or the students themselves who contacted the career counselor or principal at the upper secondary school.The giftedness was connected to the school curriculum and various course topics in the secondary programs. School principals viewed the career counselor as an important resource to provide motivational support, individualize and survey future plans.

Kompetensförsörjning : Strategier för att hitta, behålla och utveckla personal

This qualitative study aims to examine what career opportunities the Swedish employment service Arbetsförmedlingen can provide, as well as how the employees perceive their career development opportunities. Furthermore, we have touched on what it is that makes employees feel satisfied with their job and workplace, and also stay in the organization. The study was conducted on one of Arbetsförmedlingen?s offices in northern Sweden and the informants consisted of six employment agents, an executive assistant and a head of division. The result of the study has been analyzed using theories within the field of career development.

Var börjar mitt ansvar?

Career counselors in schools have for a long time reported a feeling that their work is not as important as teachers work. According to the Swedish Curriculum for the compulsory schools, all staff is responsible for viable counseling for pupils. Therefore, this study focuses on teachers, headmasters and a school executive director view of school career counseling, how they experience the fulfillment of curriculum goals and how it interferes/interacts with their work. To analyze the empirical material we collected from interviews, we used theoretical terms of organizational theory with focus on social structures, differentiation and integration. We also used the career theory of Super.

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